Monocular vision is an inconvenience. You bump into things, people think you are ignoring them when you can't see them at all. By "centering" my head to see best, I incurred serious spinal and neck injuries requiring surgery.
I am a Photo-realist doing large paintings based on photographs which create the illusion of space. As think, as I build an image, of carving space. Assistants who work on my paintings paint on the picture plane. I paint above and below the surface. I create depth by moving on and off the painted surface.
Can it be that my fascination with 3D goes back to my desire to reclaim full sight?
I understand space by whether/not things are in focus. I really care about space around an object, not the object itself. I am a sculptor, working in paint, I work in dim light projecting my photographs onto canvas. As I paint, the lights come up until paintings are completed when space is carved and made palpable.