My writings of poetry and fiction writing express my views and experiences as a black man with cerebral palsy who use a power wheelchair. In my writing I try to represent the communities that I am apart of, which are unrepresentative in American literature and media. In my childhood, I found poetry to be the best vehicle to express my innermost thoughts and feelings. I also discovered in middle school that I enjoyed writing poetry and people also enjoyed reading them, so it is then I started considering myself a poet and a writer. I try to reflect my vision of the world through my poetry, fiction, and other writing and try to highlight aspects of society that the mainstream dominant culture does not see. As a person who uses AAC I communicate in a unique way using digital technology and I exhibit that in my performance work. The way that I speak and move through the world affected the way that I approach my artistry. The poetry that I submitted for this award reflects my political vision of the world that aims toward disability justice and egalitarianism.
Disability: Cerebral Palsy
Video Samples

"Running from the Ecological Wave" & "The Eyes of King"
4 min 20 sec