I have been making art my whole life. It gives me joy in life and love. My work is medium size. I make boxes, tubes, paper pieces, and paintings on canvas. I do weaving and fashion pieces. Sometimes I use watercolors, oil pastels, or paint. I use black peachy and orange markers. Pink, orange and green are like exercise. When I use markers I am taking notes about my memories and the people in my life. I take notes about all the staff wonderful together and having a great day together. About joy, love and life. I like to have quiet. To explore around the studio at Creative Growth. I also like to sing and dance as a part of my process- it makes me calm and relaxed. Art is all the people I love so much together, all the stuff I grew up by. I like connecting with people I love. When people see my work I want them to feel fascinated with Nicole. They should feel heavenly and natural, like the sky I love so much. I want people to think, Nicole is so creative, I can learn so much from her.
Down Syndrome, Moderate Intellectual Disability, Hypothyroid