Life as a handicapped individual is akin to living in a hper-aware state of sustained crisis, where the most mundane activity requires focused attention and physical pain is a constant companion.
When I lost my leg to Cancer at 14 years old, I instantly became aware that life as I knew it would change completely. I realized and accepted that my friends would grow distant and leave me behind. I express these feelings of isolation in theimage of the lone man, which is a recurring theme in my work.
After 35 years as an amputee, I have come to the realization that despite the inherent stress accompanying my disability, my response to challenging circumstances has been decidedly focused on formulating solutions. Although my ability to ignor extraneous issues and concentrate solely on the immediacy of a given situation has served as an effective coping mechanism, this single minded approach has also enabled me to avoid confronting the inevitable anxieties resulting from such experiences.
The sentiments I instill in my art link directly to my subconscious and help re-establish a vital connection to my inner emotions. The end result is a deeper understanding of the path that has shaped my art, and ultimately, my self.